1. qtcreator环境
2. qtcreator开发ros项目
3. qtcreator的ros插件
4. Qt界面设计之C++
5. Qt界面设计之Python
6. Python的界面设计
7. Qt ROS GUI练习
界面库很多: Tk低效,wxWidgets复杂,GTK使用少,Qt is okay。目前Qt的版本有Qt4和Qt5。
开发环境很多:Eclipse is popular but QtCreator benefits good。目前qtcreator的版本有5.6,5.2,4.8。
- 1. qtcreator环境
$ sudo apt-get update
//$sudo apt-get install build-essential
$ sudo apt-get install qtcreator
1.1 qtcreator的多版本
如果有多个版本(in fact it is! ),现确认使用的哪一个:
$ which qtcreator
$ qmake -version
—QMake version 3.0
—Using Qt version 5.2.1 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
$ qtchooser -list-versions
1.3 注意快捷方式启动和终端启动的环境变量
As QtCreator supports opening CMake projects out of the box,it does not require a setup procedure if started from a terminal.
Note: this is absolutely crucial, because otherwise the environment will not be set correctly and functionality related to rosbuild or catkin will fail when running cmake. In order to be able to work with ROS code, QtCreator needs to be able to source the environment (your .bashrc),
1.3.1 You can either launch it from a terminal,
$ qt-creator
1.3.2. customize your qtcreator.desktop file:
You should not try to generate this file yourself, but rather modify the file that was created when you installed QtCreator.
Normally in Ubuntu this file in /usr/share/applications(in fact it is! ), or, maybe in ~/.local/share/applications if installed it only for your user.
$ cat qtcreator.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=bash -i -c qtcreator %F
Name=Qt Creator
GenericName=Integrated Development Environment
In Ubuntu 13.04 and later, the third line must read:
Use this standard QtCreator desktop file, and in the Exec line, add bash -i -c.
This will run your QtCreator in a shell which should source all required setup.bash files of your ros installation and workspace.
# cp /usr/share/applications/qtcreator.desktop ~
First copy the standard qtcreator.desktop file, Then edit it and change the Exec line into: Exec=bash -i -c qtcreator %F
Note that instead of starting QtCreator from a terminal, you can use the following desktop file and use it in your launcher:
Finally, remove the QtCreator icon from the launcher (if present) by right clicking it and selecting “Unlock from launcher”; drag and drop the qtcreator.desktop file you just created to the launcher.
I chose the first one: start from terminal.
By not providing “Findcatkin.cmake” inCMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a packageconfiguration file provided by “catkin”, but CMake did not find one.打开terminal,输入下面的命令:
$ vi /home/xxxx/.local/share/applications/Qt-Creator-ros.desktop
修改Exec变量一行,在中间添加bash-i -c即改为Exec=bash-i -c/home/leon/qtc_plugins/qt-creator-build/bin/qtcreator,注意修改路径,保存并退出。添加bash-i -c是为了在通过快捷方式启动QtCreator的同时加载ROS环境变量
DO NOT user sudo qtcreator, for these will generated build folder in custome location and configfile in ~/.config with root owner and privage, this will forbidde other user to manupulate.
- 2. qtcreator开发ros项目
2.1. rosbuild方式:
$ cd ~/ros/boter
$ rosmake boter
2.2. catkin_make方式:
all packages managed by ~/catkin_ws/src/CMakeListst.txt
2.2.1 Use “Open File or Project” and select the top level CMakeLists.txt of the catkin workspace (~/catkin_ws/src/CMakeListst.txt) to Open a catkin code as a project
— Cannot create file /opt/ros/indigo/share/catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake.user: Permission denied
This has started to fail because the main CMakeLists is a symlink to a non writtable location. The solution is to make a copy to toplevel.cmake instead of using a symlink. And if you want the project to be named something else than “Project” then add a line at the top with “project(MyProjectName)”
$ cd到要打开的工程目录下,
$ ls -l 查看哪个文件与你的CMakeList是符号链接,
CMakeLists.txt -> /opt/ros/indigo/share/catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake
$ mv CMakeLists.txt CMakeLists.txt.bak
$ cp /opt/ros/indigo/share/catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake CMakeLists.txt
To be able to modify all files in workspace, add those lines in src/CMakeLists.txt” :
#Add custom (non compiling) targets so launch scripts and python files show up in QT Creator’s project view.
You may specify the correct catkin devel and install spaces at Projects->Build Settings by providing the following CMake arguments: -DCATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX=../devel -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install
2.2.2 Select the catkin build folder as the build directory and ‘Run CMake’
Set the build location to the build space of the catking workspace ( maybe ~/catkin_ws/build).
(in order to enable debugging, add following line into arguments edit box: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug).
2.2.3 Run cmake with no arguments
It should start parsing the packages in the project (as with catkin_make) ,
and the list of packages should appear in the project view.
Use Ctrl+B to build.
goes okay!
2.3. catkin_make方式:
single packahe at top level .
With the new catkin_tools, there is no longer a top level make file for the whole workspace.
Instead, open each package as an individual project in QtCreator now is available.
2.3.1 first click project, Make sure the build directory folder is set to: ws/build/your_package instead of ws/build,
for example mine is : /home/dehaou1404/catkin_ws/build/zPack01
2.3.2 执行CMake”,如果需要Debug填入参数-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug,如果不需要Debug直接运行,填入参数-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
2.3.3 How to properly add include directories with CMake? for example, project have 2 files:
these lines to CMakeLists.txt:
If u want to create a library to be used by other node, add like this:
2.3.4 if necessory, 在“项目”的“运行”页可以修改一些环境变量, or change CMakeLists.txt:
set(A1_PATH /usr/local) #设置一个变量A1_PATH
SET(ARUCO_INCLUDE_DIRS ${A1_PATH}/include/a1 )#设置aruco的库的头文件
set(ROS_BUILD_TYPE Debug) #调试作用
include_directories(${B1_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${B2_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${B3_DIRS}) #包含三个库的文件
for examples:
**Add the directory to be included:
**Add the header files to the list of your source files for the current target, for instance:
set(SOURCES file.cpp file2.cpp ${YOUR_DIRECTORY}/file1.h ${YOUR_DIRECTORY}/file2.h)
add_executable(node_executable ${SOURCES})
**How to use those header files for several targets
add_library(mylib libsrc.cpp ${HEADER_FILES})
add_executable(myexec execfile.cpp ${HEADER_FILES})
–As an example, if your project’s sources are in src, and you need headers from include, you could do it like this:
2.3.5 如果想重新导入这个项目需要删除catkin_ws/src/zPack01的CMakeLists.txt.user文件,然后按照上述操作重新导入
Before opening a package with QtCreator, make sure to build the package once with catkin build.
If your build artifacts (binaries, libraries, …) end up in the wrong directory, maybe because you built the package first with QtCreator.
You can check whether you have this problem by simple doing a rosrun of your package’s node, change code, recompile with QtCreator and do a rosrun again if you don’t see your changes in the executable’s behavior, it is probably installed into the wrong directory.
To resolve this issue, just clean the package (catkin clean for linked layout, for newer catkins, remove the build/ folder) and rebuild it with catkin build.
With QtCreator of version 4 and higher, you can (and actually have to) configure your compiler etc. in a Kit.
Go to Tools — Options — Build & Run — Kits. In the Default kit (or create a new kit for ros)
1) select the compiler you want to use in catkin
2) select CodeBlocks — Unix Makfiles
3) change the CMake Configuration to only contain QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:STRING=%{Qt:qmakeExecutable} (i.e. remove the define for CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER)
In your workspace, execute
$ catkin config –cmake-args -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:STRING=/usr/bin/g++ —
where you substitute /usr/bin/g++ with the compiler you actually want to use (and which is the same that you selected in the kit above).
See this discussion about this issue.
You can configure some default paths in QtCreator:
1) The default build path (what you normally have to set manually once you open a new project):
In Tools — Options — Build & Run — General, the Default build directory is:
change to:
2) The path in which to look for projects (i.e. where to start the search when you want to open a new project):
Tools — Options — Build & Run — General — Projects directory
set Directory to /home//workspace/src (or wherever your workspace is).
2.4 –Troubleshooting–
When running cmake in QtCreator (when you open the package), check the output for error messages — they provide a clue on what is going wrong.
To remove cached/stored information for a project, remove the CMakeLists.txt.user (possibly with some trailing numbers) in your project and re-open the project.
If that does not solve your problem, repeat remove CMakeLists.txt.user and additionally remove (or rather rename) the QtCreator configuration in ~/.config/QtProject and ~/.local/share/data/QtProject/qtcreator and try again.
- 3. qtcreator的ros插件
Which can speed app development with quickstart templates via roscreate-qt-pkg.
To use the plugin which can generate a qt-ros application package with ‘catkin_create_qt_pkg’, install package:
$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-qt-ros
This package can generate a sample template: Currently the creational script generates only one template app, though this may be expanded in future. Features include:
*a ros master chooser
*separate ui and ros node classes
*ros node class has connections for gui logging and a spinner
to generate:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ catkin_create_qt_pkg qdude
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make –force-cmake
$ rosrun qdude qdude
Simply catkin_make in place (native compile) to compile.
We’ve temporarily dropped cross compiling support with the mingw cross compiler on groovy (lack of time and we’re not using so much anymore) but is possible.
Once compiled and running, you can:
*Affect gui changes in main_window.ui with qt designer
*Modify qt code in main_window.hpp/main_window.cpp
*Do ros topics and services in qnode.hpp/qnode.cpp.
For more advanced qt options (e.g. specifying qt components), see the notes in qt_build for a more detailed explanation now how to use the cmake api to configure your package.
- 4. Qt的C++界面设计
File–New File or project…
select QT Widget Application
click Choose.
Ctrl-B to build,
Ctrl-r ro run.
ok -> close.
QTwidgets-based-project一共4个文件,入口文件main.cpp +mainwindow.ui文件 + mainwindow.h和mainwindow.cpp后台源文件
在main.cpp -> main函数中 直接调用MainWindow类的show()方法显示主界面
- 5. Qt的Python界面设计
这个需要先用qtcreator设计出界面,然后用pyc转化为python代码。在Ubuntu 14.04 Python默认安装了Python2.7和Python3.4,Qt默认安装了4.8和5.2,sip默认安装时是4.15,PyQt默认安装的是pyqt4。
$ python -V
—Python 2.7.6
$ python3 -V
—Python 3.4.3
$ sip -V
Python 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13)
>>>import sip
>>>import PyQt4
5.1、 做一个Hello项目
5.1.1、 绘制界面,$ qtcreater创建一个project,选择kit为Qt4。
$ pyuic4 -x ./main.ui -o ./main.py
5.1.5、 添加回调函数
QtCore.QObject.connect(self.pushButton, QtCore.SIGNAL(_fromUtf8(“clicked()”)), self.CbOnClicked)
def CbOnClicked(self):
print “Hello…dehao…”
$ python main.py
- 6. Python的界面设计
wxGlade 使用的GUI框架是 wxPython
- 7. Qt ROS GUI练习
1) 在Qt Designer里面修改xxx.ui界面
2) 在main_window.hpp/main_window.cpp修改代码
3) 在qnode.hpp/qnode.cpp修改ROS功能
7.1 添加Widget按钮,自动链接slot槽函数
Drag a “Push Button” into the ui and replace its text name and object name as “Test” and “button_test”
Open “main_window.hpp” and “main_window.cpp” and create two new functions associated with this button test by imitating from the “button_connect” working.
void on_button_test_clicked(bool check); <— in hpp void MainWindow::on_button_test_clicked(bool check ) { <— in cpp showTestButtonMessage(); } 7.2 添加Widget按钮,人工链接slot槽函数 We notice the “Quit” button is explicitly connected with a callback function “close()” in Signals & Slots Editor in ui mode. Also, in “main_window.cpp”, there exists some lines seeming to link the widgets and callback functions together, like: QObject::connect(ui.actionAbout_Qt, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), qApp, SLOT(aboutQt())); // qApp a global variable for the application QObject::connect(&qnode, SIGNAL(rosShutdown()), this, SLOT(close())); QObject::connect(&qnode, SIGNAL(loggingUpdated()), this, SLOT(updateLoggingView())); SO: 1) Create two new buttons, “Left” and “Right”, to output something different with each other in the logging window 2) Create two callback functions to be called by the two buttons in cpp file: QObject::connect(ui.left, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moveLeft())); QObject::connect(ui.right, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moveRight())); void MainWindow::moveLeft() { … } void MainWindow::moveRight() { … } So basically Qt is using a signal-slot mechanism, which is a central feature of Qt and probably the part that differs most from the features provided by other frameworks. You can goto http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/signalsandslots.html 7.3 添加topic的发布和订阅 Populate the qnode.cpp with ROS topics and we can easily build a number of Qt GUI applications in ROS. Here is an example. By filling in QNode::rosrun() with publisher and subscriber, we can use two nodes to communicate with each other and show everything in logging windows. Create two separated packagas named “my_gui_publisher” and “my_gui_subsriber”. In my_gui_publisher/src/qnode.cpp chatter_publisher = n.advertise(“chatter”, 1000);
In my_gui_subscriber/src/qnode.cpp
chatter_subscriber = n.subscribe(“chatter”, 1000, &QNode::myCallback, this);
Conclusion : we start C++ GUI with Qt in ROS. REF: http://qkxue.net/info/205412/How-build-GUI-ROS-with
7.4 完整示例
here simple controller built with ROS and Qt5 libraries, REF: https://github.com/allenh1/ros-qt-controller
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