


RNN的网络对序列数据特别有用,因为RNN的每个神经单元能用其内部存储来保存之前输入的相关信息。注意到这点很重要,例如当阅读一个句子时,就需要从它之前的单词中提出每个词的语境。例如在语言案例中,「I had washed my house」这句话的意思与「I had my house washed」大不相同。这就能让网络获取对该表达更深的理解。
RNN的循环可以处理不定长的输入,得到一定的输出。因此当输入可长可短时, 例如训练翻译模型,其句子长度军不固定,这就无法像一个训练固定像素的图像那样用CNN搞定。


1. RNN 温习


上图中, xt是某些输入,A是循环神经网络的一部分,ht是t时刻输出。


前面是一个单元的, 两个单元的情况是这样:



1.1 前向传播



下标, i表示输入层 , h为隐藏层 ,k为输出层。
参数, a表示未激活值, b表示激活值。
REF: http://www.voidcn.com/blog/dream_catcher_10/article/p-2421992.html

1.3 反向传播



1.5 LSTM扩展

这些年来,研究者已经提出了更加复杂的RNN类型来克服普通RNN模型的缺点。例如Bidirectional 和LSMT。
Bidirectional RNN的思想是时刻的输出不仅依赖于序列中之前的元素,也依赖于之后的元素。例如,要预测一句话中缺失的词,可能需要左右上下文。Bidirecrtional RNN很直观,只是两个RNN相互堆叠在一起,输出是由两个RNN的隐藏状态计算得到的。

LSTM network最近非常流行,上面也简单讨论过。LSTM与RNN在结构上并没有本质的不同,只是使用了不同的函数来计算隐藏状态。LSTM中的记忆单元被称为细胞,可以把它当作是黑盒,它把前一刻的状态ht-1和当前输入xt。内部这些细胞能确定什么被保存在记忆中,什么被从记忆中删除。
在实践中,对于 vanilla RNN, 也就是传统的卷积网络 cnn, 来说,这并不是真正需要的。这就是为什么 RNN 在出现之后淡出研究圈一段时间直到使用神经网络中的长短期记忆(LSTM)单元取得了一些不错的结果后又重新火起来的主要原因。

加上 LSTM 后的网络就像是加了一个记忆单元,能记住输入的最初内容的语境。

这些少量记忆单元能让 RNN 更加精确,而且是这种模型流行的最新原因。
这些记忆单元允许跨输入以便记住上下文语境。这些单元中,LSTM 与门控循环单元(GRU)是当下使用比较广泛的两个,后者的计算效率更高,因为它们占用的计算机内存比较少。

3. RNN 典型应用

3.1 文学创作

RNN 有很多应用,其中一个不错的应用是自然语言处理NLP,已经有很多人验证了 RNN创造出令人惊讶的模型,这些模型能表示一种语言模型。

REF : http://www.jiqizhixin.com/article/1410

这种特殊类型的 RNN 是在一个文本数据集中喂养的,它要逐字读取输入。

这张从以上参考文章中摘取的图表展示了这个 char RNN 模型将会如何预测「Hello」这个词。这张图很好地将网络如何逐字采纳每个词并预测下一个字符的可能性可视化了。

3.3 机器翻译

这种方法很有趣,因为它需要同时训练两个 RNN。

这模型被称为序列到序列模型(Sequence to Sequences model )或者编码器-解码器模型(Encoder- Decoder model)。


这张图表展示了信息流是如何通过编码-解码模型的,它用了一个词嵌入层( word embedding layer )来获取更好的词表征。
一个词嵌入层通常是 GloVe 或者 Word 2 Vec 算法,能批量采纳词,并创建一个权重矩阵,让相似的词相互连接起来。
用一个嵌入层通常会让 RNN 更加精确,因为它能更好的表征相似的词是什么样的,以便减少网络的推断。

3.5 图片描述

We present a model that generates natural language descriptions of images and their regions. Our approach leverages datasets of images and their sentence descriptions to learn about the inter-modal correspondences between language and visual data. Our alignment model is based on a novel combination of Convolutional Neural Networks over image regions, bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks over sentences, and a structured objective that aligns the two modalities through a multimodal embedding. We then describe a Multimodal Recurrent Neural Network architecture that uses the inferred alignments to learn to generate novel descriptions of image regions
We demonstrate that our alignment model produces state of the art results in retrieval experiments on Flickr8K, Flickr30K and MSCOCO datasets. We then show that the generated descriptions significantly outperform retrieval baselines on both full images and on a new dataset of region-level annotations. Under NVIDIA Corporation the GPUs.



REF: http://cs.stanford.edu/people/karpathy/deepimagesent/
code: https://github.com/karpathy/neuraltalk

5. RNN的字符级语言模型 – Char RNNs – character level language model

具体的,RNN用于语言处理NLP时, 能输入句子中的单词,或者,单词中的字符,然后通过该循环神经网络它会得出。



x1,…,xt−1,xt,xt+1,…,xT, 表示拥有T个数量词汇的语料中,各个词汇对应的词向量。
ht, 表示每一轮迭代t中,用于计算隐藏层的输出特征的传递边。
ht-1, 在前一轮迭代t−1中,非线性函数的输出结果。
Whx, 输入层x到隐藏层h的, 利用输入词xt作为条件,计算得到的, 权重矩阵。
Whh, 隐藏层h到隐藏层h的, 利用前一轮迭代的输出作为条件, 计算得到的, 权重矩阵。
σ(), 非线性分类函数,例如使用sigmoid分类函数。
y^t, 每一轮迭代t,针对全部词汇的输出概率分布。

REF: http://blog.csdn.net/han_xiaoyang/article/details/51932536

REF : http://karpathy.github.io/2015/05/21/rnn-effectiveness/ <— 梯子
Code : https://github.com/karpathy/char-rnn

There’s something magical about Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs).
Sometimes the ratio of how simple your model is to the quality of the results you get out of it blows past your expectations, and this was one of those times. What made this result so shocking at the time was that the common wisdom was that RNNs were supposed to be difficult to train (with more experience I’ve in fact reached the opposite conclusion).
By the way, code on Github that allows you to train character-level language models based on multi-layer LSTMs. You give it a large chunk of text and it will learn to generate text like it one character at a time. You can also use it to reproduce my experiments below.

1. 什么是 RNN

1.1 序列情况 – Sequences

A glaring limitation of Vanilla Neural Networks (and also Convolutional Networks) , is that their API is too constrained: they accept a fixed-sized vector as input (e.g. an image) , and produce a fixed-sized vector as output (e.g. probabilities of different classes).

Not only that: These models perform this mapping using a fixed amount of computational steps (e.g. the number of layers in the model). The core reason that recurrent nets are more exciting is that they allow us to operate over sequences of vectors: Sequences in the input, the output, or in the most general case both.

RNN的几个应用场景 – A few examples may make this more concrete:

Each rectangle is a vector, and, arrows represent functions (e.g. matrix multiply).
Input vectors are in red, output vectors are in blue, and green vectors hold the RNN’s state (more on this soon).
From left to right:
(1) Vanilla mode of processing without RNN, from fixed-sized input to fixed-sized output (e.g. image classification).
(2) Sequence output (e.g. image captioning, takes an image and outputs a sentence of words).
(3) Sequence input (e.g. sentiment analysis, where a given sentence is classified as expressing positive or negative sentiment).
(4) Sequence input and sequence output (e.g. Machine Translation, an RNN reads a sentence in English and then outputs a sentence in French).
(5) Synced sequence input and output (e.g. video classification, where we wish to label each frame of the video).
Notice that in every case are no pre-specified constraints on the lengths sequences because the recurrent transformation (green) is fixed and can be applied as many times as we like.

As you might expect, the sequence regime of operation is much more powerful compared to fixed networks that are doomed from the get-go by a fixed number of computational steps, and hence also much more appealing for those of us who aspire to build more intelligent systems.

Moreover, as we’ll see in a bit, RNNs combine the input vector with their state vector with a fixed (but learned) function to produce a new state vector. This can in programming terms be interpreted as running a fixed program with certain inputs and some internal variables.

Viewed this way, RNNs essentially describe programs. In fact, it is known that RNNs are Turing-Complete in the sense that they can to simulate arbitrary programs (with proper weights). But similar to universal approximation theorems for neural nets you shouldn’t read too much into this. In fact, forget I said anything. see:

CNN和RNN的区别:If training vanilla neural nets is optimization over functions, training recurrent nets is optimization over programs.
REF http://binds.cs.umass.edu/papers/1995_Siegelmann_Science.pdf

1.3 非序列场景 – Sequential processing in absence of sequences

You might be thinking that having sequences as inputs or outputs could be relatively rare, but an important point to realize is that even if your inputs/outputs are fixed vectors, it is still possible to use this powerful formalism to process them in a sequential manner.

For instance, the figure below shows results from two very nice papers from DeepMind.
On the left, an algorithm learns a recurrent network policy that steers its attention around an image; In particular, it learns to read out house numbers from left to right (Ba et al.).
On the right, a recurrent network generates images of digits by learning to sequentially add color to a canvas (Gregor et al.) 。

Left: RNN learns to read house numbers. Right: RNN learns to paint house numbers.

The takeaway is that even if your data is not in form of sequences, you can still formulate and train powerful models that learn to process it sequentially. You’re learning stateful programs that process your fixed-sized data.

1.5 RNN computation

So how do these things work?
At the core, RNNs have a deceptively simple API: They accept an input vector x and give you an output vector y.
However, crucially this output vector’s contents are influenced not only by the input you just fed in, but also on the entire history of inputs you’ve fed in in the past. 然而这个输出向量的内容不仅被输入数据影响,而且会收到整个历史输入的影响。写成一个类的话,RNN的API只包含了一个step方法:
rnn = RNN()
y = rnn.step(x) # x is an input vector, y is the RNN’s output vector

class RNN:
# …
def step(self, x):
# update the hidden state
self.h = np.tanh(np.dot(self.W_hh, self.h) + np.dot(self.W_xh, x))
# compute the output vector
y = np.dot(self.W_hy, self.h)
return y
以上就是RNN的前向传输 – The above specifies the forward pass of a vanilla RNN.

h是hidden variable 隐变量,即整个网络每个神经元的状态。 这个隐藏状态self.h被初始化为零向量。
h,x,y 三者都是高维向量。
RNN的参数是三个矩阵 W_hh, W_xh, W_hy。 – This RNN’s parameters are the three matrices W_hh, W_xh, W_hy.

隐变量 h,就是通常说的神经网络本体,也正是循环得以实现的基础, 因为它如同一个可以储存无穷历史信息(理论上)的水库,一方面会通过输入矩阵W_xh吸收输入序列x的当前值,一方面通过网络连接W_hh进行内部神经元间的相互作用(网络效应,信息传递),因为其网络的状态也和输入的整个过去历史有关, 最终的输出是两部分加在一起共同通过非线性函数tanh。整个过程就是一个循环神经网络“循环”的过程。
参数 W_hh理论上可以可以刻画输入的整个历史对于最终输出的任何反馈形式,从而刻画序列内部,或序列之间的时间关联, 这是RNN之所以强大的关键。


RNN本质是一个数据推断(inference)机器, 只要数据足够多,就可以得到从x(t)到y(t)的概率分布函数, 寻找到两个时间序列之间的关联,从而达到推断和预测的目的。
这会让人联想到另一个时间序列推断的隐马尔科夫模型 HMM, 在HM模型里同样也有一个输入x和输出y和一个隐变量h。
而HMM这个h, 和, RNN里的h, 区别在于迭代法则: HMM通过跃迁矩阵把此刻的h和下一刻的h联系在一起,跃迁矩阵随时间变化;而RNN中没有跃迁矩阵的概念,取而代之的是神经元之间的连接矩阵。 此外, HMM本质是一个贝叶斯网络, 因此每个节点都是有实际含义的; 而RNN中的神经元只是信息流动的枢纽而已,并无实际对应含义。但是, HMM能干的活, RNN几乎也是可以做的,比如语言模型,就是RNN的维度会更高一些。

1.7 更深层网络 – Going deep

RNNs are neural networks and everything works monotonically better (if done right) if you put on your deep learning hat and start stacking models up like pancakes. RNN属于神经网络算法,如果你像叠薄饼一样开始对模型进行重叠来进行深度学习,那么算法的性能会单调上升(如果没出岔子的话)。

For instance, we can form a 2-layer recurrent network as follows:
y1 = rnn1.step(x)
y = rnn2.step(y1)

Except neither of these RNNs know or care – it’s all just vectors coming in and going out, and some gradients flowing through each module during backpropagation. 它们并不在乎谁是谁的输入:都是向量的进进出出,都是在反向传播时梯度通过每个模型。

1.9 LSTM – Getting fancy

I’d like to briefly mention that in practice most of us use a slightly different formulation than what I presented above called a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network.

The LSTM is a particular type of recurrent network that works slightly better in practice, owing to its more powerful update equation and some appealing backpropagation dynamics. I won’t go into details, but everything I’ve said about RNNs stays exactly the same, except the mathematical form for computing the update (the line self.h = … ) gets a little more complicated.

From here on I will use the terms “RNN/LSTM” interchangeably but all experiments in this post use an LSTM.


3. 字符级语言模型 – Character Level Language Models


3.1 process

We’ll now ground this in a fun application: We’ll train RNN character-level language models. That is, we’ll give the RNN a huge chunk of text and ask it to model the probability distribution of the next character in the sequence given a sequence of previous characters. This will then allow us to generate new text one character at a time.

As a working example, suppose we only had a vocabulary of four possible letters h-e-l-o, and wanted to train an RNN on the training sequence “hello”. This training sequence is in fact a source of 4 separate training examples:
1. The probability of “e” should be likely given the context of “h”,
2. “l” should be likely in the context of “he”,
3. “l” should also be likely given the context of “hel”,
4. and finally “o” should be likely given the context of “hell”.

3.3 one hot encoding

One hot encoding,transforms categorical features to a format that works better with classification and regression algorithms.
Let’s take the following example. I have seven sample inputs of categorical data belonging to four categories.
Now, I could encode these to nominal values as I have done here, but that wouldn’t make sense from a machine learning perspective.
We can’t say that the category of “Penguin” is greater or smaller than “Human”. Then they would be ordinal values, not nominal.

What we do instead is generate one boolean column for each category.
Only one of these columns could take on the value 1 for each sample. Hence, the term one hot encoding.

This works very well with most machine learning algorithms.

3.5 detailed process

Concretely, we will encode each character into a vector using 1-of-k encoding (i.e. all zero except for a single one at the index of the character in the vocabulary), and feed them into the RNN one at a time with the step function.
We will then observe a sequence of 4-dimensional output vectors (one dimension per character), which we interpret as the confidence the RNN currently assigns to each character coming next in the sequence.
Here’s a diagram:

An example RNN with 4-dimensional input and output layers, and a hidden layer of 3 units (neurons). This diagram shows the activations in the forward pass when the RNN is fed the characters “hell” as input. The output layer contains confidences the RNN assigns for the next character (vocabulary is “h,e,l,o”); We want the green numbers to be high and red numbers to be low.

For example, we see that in the first time step when the RNN saw the character “h” it assigned confidence of 1.0 to the next letter being “h”, 2.2 to letter “e”, -3.0 to “l”, and 4.1 to “o”.
Since in our training data (the string “hello”) the next correct character is “e”, we would like to increase its confidence (green) and decrease the confidence of all other letters (red).
Similarly, we have a desired target character at every one of the 4 time steps that we’d like the network to assign a greater confidence to.
Since the RNN consists entirely of differentiable operations we can run the backpropagation algorithm (this is just a recursive application of the chain rule from calculus) to figure out in what direction we should adjust every one of its weights to increase the scores of the correct targets (green bold numbers).
We can then perform a parameter update, which nudges every weight a tiny amount in this gradient direction.
If we were to feed the same inputs to the RNN after the parameter update we would find that the scores of the correct characters (e.g. “e” in the first time step) would be slightly higher (e.g. 2.3 instead of 2.2), and the scores of incorrect characters would be slightly lower.
We then repeat this process over and over many times until the network converges and its predictions are eventually consistent with the training data in that correct characters are always predicted next.

A more technical explanation is that we use the standard Softmax <<<>>> classifier (also commonly referred to as the cross-entropy loss) on every output vector simultaneously.
The RNN is trained with mini-batch Stochastic Gradient Descent and I like to use RMSProp or Adam (per-parameter adaptive learning rate methods) to stablilize the updates.

Notice also that the first time the character “l” is input, the target is “l”, but the second time the target is “o”.
The RNN therefore cannot rely on the input alone and must use its recurrent connection to keep track of the context to achieve this task.

At test time, we feed a character into the RNN and get a distribution over what characters are likely to come next. We sample from this distribution, and feed it right back in to get the next letter. Repeat this process and you’re sampling text!
Lets now train an RNN on different datasets and see what happens.

To further clarify, for educational purposes I also wrote a minimal character-level RNN language model in Python/numpy. It is only about 100 lines long and hopefully it gives a concise, concrete and useful summary of the above if you’re better at reading code than text. We’ll now dive into example results, produced with the much more efficient Lua/Torch codebase.

5. Python 的代码实现

可以直接进入character-level RNN, PhD Karpathy用Python写了一个 RNN语言模型的Demo, 只有100行代码。
REF : http://jaybeka.github.io/2016/05/18/rnn-intuition-practice/
code: https://gist.github.com/karpathy/d4dee566867f8291f086

Minimal character-level Vanilla RNN model. Written by Andrej Karpathy (@karpathy)
BSD License
import numpy as np

## 导入纯文本文件,建立词到索引和索引到词的两个映射
data = open(‘input.txt’, ‘r’).read() # 读整个文件内容,得字符串str类型data
chars = list(set(data)) # 去除重复的字符,获得不重复字符
data_size, vocab_size = len(data), len(chars) # 源文件的字符总数和去除重复后的字符数
print ‘data has %d characters and %d unique.’ % (data_size, vocab_size)
char_to_ix = { ch:i for i,ch in enumerate(chars) }
ix_to_char = { i:ch for i,ch in enumerate(chars) }
# 用enumerate函数把字符表达成向量,如同构建语言的数字化词典
# 这一步后,语言信息就变成了数字化的时间序列

## hyperparameters
## 定义隐藏层神经元数量,每一步处理序列的长度,以及学*速率
hidden_size = 100 # 隐藏层神经元个数
seq_length = 25 # number of steps to unroll the RNN for
learning_rate = 1e-1 # 学*率

## model parameters
## 随机生成神经网络参数矩阵,Wxh即U,Whh即W,Why即V,以及偏置单元
Wxh = np.random.randn(hidden_size, vocab_size)*0.01 # input to hidden
Whh = np.random.randn(hidden_size, hidden_size)*0.01 # hidden to hidden
Why = np.random.randn(vocab_size, hidden_size)*0.01 # 隐藏层到输出层,输出层预测的是每个字符的概率
bh = np.zeros((hidden_size, 1)) # hidden bias 隐藏层偏置项
by = np.zeros((vocab_size, 1)) # output bias 输出层偏置项
# 上面初始化三个矩阵W_xh, W_hh,W_hy
# 分别是输入和隐层, 隐层和隐层, 隐层和输出,之间的连接
# 同时初始化隐层和输出层的激活函数中的bias,bh和by

## loss function 这个函数的输出是错误的梯度

def lossFun(inputs, targets, hprev):
inputs,targets are both list of integers.
inputs t时刻序列,相当于输入, targets t+1时刻序列,相当于输入
hprev is Hx1 array of initial hidden state
hprev t-1时刻的,隐藏层神经元的激活值
returns the loss, gradients on model parameters, and last hidden state
xs, hs, ys, ps = {}, {}, {}, {} # ps是归一化的概率
hs[-1] = np.copy(hprev) # hprev 中间层的值, 存作-1,为第一个做准备
loss = 0

## forward pass :
## 正向传播过程,输入采用1-k向量表示,隐藏层函数采用tanh
for t in xrange(len(inputs)): # 不像range()返回列表,xrange()返回的对象效率更高
# 把输入编码成0-1格式,在input中,0代表此字符未激活
xs[t] = np.zeros((vocab_size,1)) # encode in 1-of-k representation
xs[t][inputs[t]] = 1 # x[t] 是一个第t个输入单词的向量
# RNN的隐藏层神经元激活值计算
# 双曲正切, 激活函数, 作用类似sigmoid
# hidden state 参考文献Learning Recurrent Neural Networks with Hessian-Free Optimization
# 生成新的中间层
hs[t] = np.tanh(np.dot(Wxh, xs[t]) + np.dot(Whh, hs[t-1]) + bh)
# RNN的输出
ys[t] = np.dot(Why, hs[t]) + by # unnormalized log probabilities for next chars
# 概率归一化
ps[t] = np.exp(ys[t]) / np.sum(np.exp(ys[t])) # probabilities for next chars
# 预期输出是1,因此这里的value值就是此次的代价函数,
# 使用 -log(*) 使得离正确输出越远,代价函数就越高
# softmax 损失函数
loss += -np.log(ps[t][targets[t],0]) # softmax (cross-entropy loss)

## backward pass: compute gradients going backwards
# 将输入循环一遍以后,得到各个时间段的h, y 和 p
# 得到此时累积的loss, 准备进行更新矩阵
dWxh, dWhh, dWhy = np.zeros_like(Wxh), np.zeros_like(Whh), np.zeros_like(Why) # 各矩阵的参数进行
dbh, dby = np.zeros_like(bh), np.zeros_like(by)
dhnext = np.zeros_like(hs[0]) # 下一个时间段的潜在层,初始化为零向量
for t in reversed(xrange(len(inputs))): # 把时间作为维度,则梯度的计算应该沿着时间回溯
dy = np.copy(ps[t]) # 设dy为实际输出,而期望输出(单位向量)为y, 代价函数为交叉熵函数
dy[targets[t]] -= 1 # backprop into y.
# see cs231n.github.io/neural-networks-case-study
# grad if confused here
dWhy += np.dot(dy, hs[t].T) # dy * h(t).T, h层值越大的项,如果错误,则惩罚越严重。
# 反之,奖励越多(这边似乎没有考虑softmax的求导?)
dby += dy # 这个没什么可说的,与dWhy一样,
# 只不过h项=1, 所以直接等于dy
dh = np.dot(Why.T, dy) + dhnext # backprop into h 第一阶段求导
dhraw = (1 – hs[t] * hs[t]) * dh # backprop through tanh nonlinearity #第二阶段求导,注意tanh的求导
dbh += dhraw # dbh表示传递 到h层的误差
dWxh += np.dot(dhraw, xs[t].T) # 对Wxh的修正,同Why
dWhh += np.dot(dhraw, hs[t-1].T) # 对Whh的修正
dhnext = np.dot(Whh.T, dhraw) # h层的误差通过Whh不停地累积
for dparam in [dWxh, dWhh, dWhy, dbh, dby]:
np.clip(dparam, -5, 5, out=dparam) # clip to mitigate exploding gradients
return loss, dWxh, dWhh, dWhy, dbh, dby, hs[len(inputs)-1]

## 预测函数,用于验证
## 给定seed_ix为t=0时刻的字符索引,生成预测后面的n个字符
## 这个sample函数就是给一个首字母,然后神经网络会输出下一个字母
def sample(h, seed_ix, n):
sample a sequence of integers from the model
h is memory state, seed_ix is seed letter for first time step
x = np.zeros((vocab_size, 1))
x[seed_ix] = 1
ixes = []
for t in xrange(n):
# h是递归更新的
h = np.tanh(np.dot(Wxh, x) + np.dot(Whh, h) + bh) # 更新中间层
y = np.dot(Why, h) + by # 得到输出
p = np.exp(y) / np.sum(np.exp(y)) # softmax
# 根据概率大小挑选:
# 由softmax得到的结果,按概率产生下一个字符
ix = np.random.choice(range(vocab_size), p=p.ravel())
# ravel展平数组元素的顺序通常是C风格,就是说最右边的索引变化得最快,因此元素a[0,0]之后是a[0,1]
# random.choice()从range(vocab_size)按照p=p.ravel概率随机选取默认长度1的内容放入ix
# 更新输入向量
x = np.zeros((vocab_size, 1)) # 产生下一轮的输入
x[ix] = 1
# 保存序列索引
return ixes

## 主程序很简单 ##

n, p = 0, 0 # n表示迭代网络迭代训练次数
mWxh, mWhh, mWhy = np.zeros_like(Wxh), np.zeros_like(Whh), np.zeros_like(Why) # 初始三个派生子矩阵
mbh, mby = np.zeros_like(bh), np.zeros_like(by) # memory variables for Adagrad
smooth_loss = -np.log(1.0/vocab_size)*seq_length # loss at iteration 0

# n表示迭代网络迭代训练次数
# 当输入是t=0时刻时,它前一时刻的隐藏层神经元的激活值我们设置为0
# while n<20000: while True: # prepare inputs (we’re sweeping from left to right in steps seq_length long) if p+seq_length+1 >= len(data) or n == 0: # 如果 n=0 或者 p过大, data是读整个文件内容得字符串str类型
hprev = np.zeros((hidden_size,1)) # reset RNN memory,中间层内容初始化,零初始化
p = 0 # go from start of data , p 重置
# 输入与输出
inputs = [char_to_ix[ch] for ch in data[p:p+seq_length]] # 一批输入seq_length个字符
targets = [char_to_ix[ch] for ch in data[p+1:p+seq_length+1]] # targets是对应的inputs的期望输出。

# sample from the model now and then
# 每循环100词, sample一次,显示结果
if n % 100 == 0:
sample_ix = sample(hprev, inputs[0], 200)
txt = ”.join(ix_to_char[ix] for ix in sample_ix)
print ‘—-n %s n—-‘ % (txt, )
# 上面做的是每训练一百步看看效果, 看RNN生成的句子是否更像人话。
# Sample的含义就是给他一个首字母,然后神经网络会输出下一个字母
# 然后这两个字母一起作为再下一个字母的输入,依次类推

# forward seq_length characters through the net and fetch gradient
# RNN前向传导与反向传播,获取梯度值

loss, dWxh, dWhh, dWhy, dbh, dby, hprev = lossFun(inputs, targets, hprev)
smooth_loss = smooth_loss * 0.999 + loss * 0.001 # 将原有的Loss与新loss结合起来
if n % 100 == 0: print ‘iter %d, loss: %f’ % (n, smooth_loss) # print progress
# 这一步是寻找梯度, loss function即计算梯度 ,
# loss function的具体内容关键即测量回传的信息以供学习。
# 函数内容在最后放出最后一步是根据梯度调整参数的值,即学习的过程。

# perform parameter update with Adagrad
# 采用Adagrad自适应梯度下降法,可参看博文
# blog.csdn.net/danieljianfeng/article/details/429****21
for param, dparam, mem in zip([Wxh, Whh, Why, bh, by],
[dWxh, dWhh, dWhy, dbh, dby],
[mWxh, mWhh, mWhy, mbh, mby]):
mem += dparam * dparam # 梯度的累加
# 自适应梯度下降公式
# adagrad update 随着迭代次数增加,参数的变更量会越来越小
param += -learning_rate * dparam / np.sqrt(mem + 1e-8) # adagrad update
p += seq_length # move data pointer 批量训练
n += 1 # iteration counter 记录迭代次数
## 上面是主程序,简单 ##


LSTM(Long short term memory)顾名思义, 是增加了记忆功能的RNN。
首先为什么要给RNN增加记忆呢? 这里就要提到一个有趣的概念叫梯度消失(Vanishing Gradient),刚刚说RNN训练的关键是梯度回传,梯度信息在时间上传播是会衰减的, 那么回传的效果好坏, 取决于这种衰减的快慢, 理论上RNN可以处理很长的信息, 但是由于衰减, 往往事与愿违, 如果要信息不衰减, 就要给神经网络加记忆,这就是LSTM的原理了。

这里首先再增加一个隐变量作为记忆单元,然后把之前一层的神经网络再增加三层, 分别是输入门,输出门,遗忘门, 这三层门就如同信息的闸门, 控制多少先前网络内的信息被保留, 多少新的信息进入,而且门的形式都是可微分的sigmoid函数,确保可以通过训练得到最佳参数。
信息闸门的原理另一个巧妙的理解是某种“惯性” 机制,隐变量的状态更新不是马上达到指定的值,而是缓慢达到这个值, 如同让过去的信息多了一层缓冲,而要多少缓冲则是由一个叫做遗忘门的东西决定的。 如此发现其实这几个新增加的东西最核心的就是信息的闸门遗忘门。 根据这一原理,可以抓住本质简化lstm,如GRU或极小GRU。 其实只需要理解这个模型就够了,而且它们甚至比lstm更快更好。


摘自: Minimal Gated Unit for Recurrent Neural Networks
第一个方程f 即遗忘门,
第三个方程描述“惯性” ,即最终每个神经元保持多少之前的值,更新多少。

好了是时候看一下google 翻译是怎么, 首先,翻译是沟通两个不同的语言, 而要这个沟通的本质是因为它们所表达的事物是相同的, 大脑做翻译的时候,也是根据它们所表达的概念相同比如苹果-vs-apple来沟通两个语言的。如果汉语是输入,英语是输出,神经网络事实上做的是这样一件事:
Encoding: 用一个LSTM把汉语变成神经代码
第一个lstm的输出是第二个lstm的输入, 两个网络用大量语料训练好即可。 Google在2016加入了attention机制 ,这样google的翻译系统就更接近人脑。

运用记忆神经网络翻译的核心优势是我们可以灵活的结合语境,实现句子到句子,段落到段落的过度, 因为记忆特性使得网络可以结合不同时间尺度的信息而并非只抓住个别单词, 这就好像能够抓住语境而非只是望文生义。也是因为这个RNN有着无穷无尽的应用想象力,在google翻译以及rnn的各种应用。

9. Keras 库



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat May 21 14:34:08 2016
@author: yangsicong
import numpy as np

from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation, Dropout, TimeDistributedDense
from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM

text = open(‘./input.txt’, ‘r’).read()
char_to_idx = { ch: i for (i, ch) in enumerate(sorted(list(set(text)))) }
idx_to_char = { i: ch for (ch, i) in char_to_idx.items() }
vocab_size = len(char_to_idx)

print(‘Working on %d characters (%d unique)’ % (len(text), vocab_size))


def read_batches(text):
T = np.asarray([char_to_idx[c] for c in text], dtype=np.int32)
X = np.zeros((BATCH_SIZE, SEQ_LENGTH, vocab_size))
Y = np.zeros((BATCH_SIZE, SEQ_LENGTH, vocab_size))

for i in range(0, BATCH_CHARS – SEQ_LENGTH – 1, SEQ_LENGTH):
X[:] = 0
Y[:] = 0
for batch_idx in range(BATCH_SIZE):
start = batch_idx * BATCH_CHARS + i
for j in range(SEQ_LENGTH):
X[batch_idx, j, T[start+j]] = 1
Y[batch_idx, j, T[start+j+1]] = 1

yield X, Y

def build_model(batch_size, seq_len):
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(LSTM_SIZE, return_sequences=True, batch_input_shape=(batch_size, seq_len, vocab_size), stateful=True))
for l in range(LAYERS – 1):
model.add(LSTM(LSTM_SIZE, return_sequences=True, stateful=True))

model.compile(loss=’categorical_crossentropy’, optimizer=’adagrad’)
return model

print ‘Building model.’
test_model = build_model(1, 1)
training_model = build_model(BATCH_SIZE, SEQ_LENGTH)
print ‘… done’

def sample(epoch, sample_chars=256):
test_model.load_weights(‘./tmp/keras_char_rnn.%d.h5’ % epoch)
header = ‘LSTM based ‘
sampled = [char_to_idx[c] for c in header]

for c in header:
batch = np.zeros((1, 1, vocab_size))
batch[0, 0, char_to_idx[c]] = 1

for i in range(sample_chars):
batch = np.zeros((1, 1, vocab_size))
batch[0, 0, sampled[-1]] = 1
softmax = test_model.predict_on_batch(batch)[0].ravel()
sample = np.random.choice(range(vocab_size), p=softmax)

print ”.join([idx_to_char[c] for c in sampled])

for epoch in range(100):
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(read_batches(text)):
loss = training_model.train_on_batch(x, y)
print epoch, i, loss

if i % 1000 == 0:
training_model.save_weights(‘./tmp/keras_char_rnn.%d.h5’ % epoch, overwrite=True)


11. with the much more efficient Lua/Torch codebase.

All 5 example character models below were trained with the code I’m releasing on Github. The input in each case is a single file with some text, and we’re training an RNN to predict the next character in the sequence.

11.1 Paul Graham的作品

Lets first try a small dataset of English as a sanity check. My favorite fun dataset is the concatenation of Paul Graham’s essays. The basic idea is that there’s a lot of wisdom in these essays, but unfortunately Paul Graham is a relatively slow generator. Wouldn’t it be great if we could sample startup wisdom on demand? That’s where an RNN comes in.

Concatenating all pg essays over the last ~5 years we get approximately 1MB text file, or about 1 million characters (this is considered a very small dataset by the way).
Technical: Lets train a 2-layer LSTM with 512 hidden nodes (approx. 3.5 million parameters), and with dropout of 0.5 after each layer. We’ll train with batches of 100 examples and truncated backpropagation through time of length 100 characters. With these settings one batch on a TITAN Z GPU takes about 0.46 seconds (this can be cut in half with 50 character BPTT at negligible cost in performance). Without further ado, lets see a sample from the RNN:
clearly the above is unfortunately not going to replace Paul Graham anytime soon, but remember that the RNN had to learn English completely from scratch and with a small dataset (including where you put commas, apostrophes and spaces). I also like that it learns to support its own arguments (e.g. [2], above). Sometimes it says something that offers a glimmer of insight, such as “a company is a meeting to think to investors”. Here’s a link to 50K character sample if you’d like to see more.

Temperature. We can also play with the temperature of the Softmax during sampling. Decreasing the temperature from 1 to some lower number (e.g. 0.5) makes the RNN more confident, but also more conservative in its samples. Conversely, higher temperatures will give more diversity but at cost of more mistakes (e.g. spelling mistakes, etc). In particular, setting temperature very near zero will give the most likely thing that Paul Graham might say:

11.3 Shakespeare的

It looks like we can learn to spell English words. But how about if there is more structure and style in the data? To examine this I downloaded all the works of Shakespeare and concatenated them into a single (4.4MB) file. We can now afford to train a larger network, in this case lets try a 3-layer RNN with 512 hidden nodes on each layer. After we train the network for a few hours we obtain samples such as:
Remember, all the RNN knows are characters, so in particular it samples both speaker’s names and the contents. Sometimes we also get relatively extented monologue passages, such as:
I can barely recognize these samples from actual Shakespeare 🙂 If you like Shakespeare, you might appreciate this 100,000 character sample. Of course, you can also generate an infinite amount of your own samples at different temperatures with the provided code.

11.5 Wikipedia

We saw that the LSTM can learn to spell words and copy general syntactic structures. Lets further increase the difficulty and train on structured markdown. In particular, lets take the Hutter Prize 100MB dataset of raw Wikipedia and train an LSTM.
Following Graves et al., I used the first 96MB for training, the rest for validation and ran a few models overnight. We can now sample Wikipedia articles! Below are a few fun excerpts. First, some basic markdown output:
In case you were wondering, the yahoo url above doesn’t actually exist, the model just hallucinated it. Also, note that the model learns to open and close the parenthesis correctly. There’s also quite a lot of structured markdown that the model learns, for example sometimes it creates headings, lists, etc.:
Sometimes the model snaps into a mode of generating random but valid XML:
The model completely makes up the timestamp, id, and so on. Also, note that it closes the correct tags appropriately and in the correct nested order. Here are 100,000 characters of sampled wikipedia if you’re interested to see more.

11.7 Algebraic Geometry (Latex) 数学来了

The results above suggest that the model is actually quite good at learning complex syntactic structures. Impressed by these results, my labmate (Justin Johnson) and I decided to push even further into structured territories and got a hold of this book on algebraic stacks/geometry. We downloaded the raw Latex source file (a 16MB file) and trained a multilayer LSTM.
Amazingly, the resulting sampled Latex almost compiles. We had to step in and fix a few issues manually but then you get plausible looking math, it’s quite astonishing:
As you can see above, sometimes the model tries to generate latex diagrams, but clearly it hasn’t really figured them out. I also like the part where it chooses to skip a proof (“Proof omitted.”, top left). Of course, keep in mind that latex has a relatively difficult structured syntactic format that I haven’t even fully mastered myself. For instance, here is a raw sample from the model (unedited):
This sample from a relatively decent model illustrates a few common mistakes. For example, the model opens a begin{proof} environment but then ends it with a end{lemma}. This is an example of a problem we’d have to fix manually, and is likely due to the fact that the dependency is too long-term: By the time the model is done with the proof it has forgotten whether it was doing a proof or a lemma. Similarly, it opens an begin{enumerate} but then forgets to close it. We observed that these became less common with larger/better models, but nonetheless, these are the kinds of mistakes that come up.

11.9 Linux Source Code

I wanted to push structured data to its limit, so for the final challenge I decided to use code. In particular, I took all the source and header files found in the Linux repo on Github, concatenated all of them in a single giant file (474MB of C code) (I was originally going to train only on the kernel but that by itself is only ~16MB). Then I trained several as-large-as-fits-on-my-GPU 3-layer LSTMs over a period of a few days.
These models have about 10 million parameters, which is still on the lower end for RNN models. The results are superfun:

The code looks really quite great overall. Of course, I don’t think it compiles but when you scroll through the generate code it feels very much like a giant C code base.
Notice that the RNN peppers its code with comments here and there at random. It is also very good at making very few syntactic errors. For example, it uses strings properly, pointer notation, etc. It also opens and closes brackets {[ correctly and learns to indent its code very well. A common error is that it can’t keep track of variable names: It often uses undefined variables (e.g. rw above), declares variables it never uses (e.g. int error), or returns non-existing variables. Lets see a few more examples. Here’s another snippet that shows a wider array of operations that the RNN learns:

Notice that in the second function the model compares tty == tty, which is vacuously true. On the other hand, at least the variable tty exists in the scope this time! In the last function, notice that the code does not return anything, which happens to be correct since the function signature is void. However, the first two functions were also declared void and did return values. This is again a form of a common mistake due to long-term interactions.

11.11 Generating Baby Names

Lets try one more for fun. Lets feed the RNN a large text file that contains 8000 baby names listed out, one per line (names obtained from here). We can feed this to the RNN and then generate new names! Here are some example names, only showing the ones that do not occur in the training data (90% don’t):

You can see many more here. Some of my favorites include “Baby” (haha), “Killie”, “Char”, “R”, “More”, “Mars”, “Hi”, “Saddie”, “With” and “Ahbort”. Well that was fun. Of course, you can imagine this being quite useful inspiration when writing a novel, or naming a new startup 🙂

13. Understanding what’s going on

We saw that the results at the end of training can be impressive, but how does any of this work? Lets run two quick experiments to briefly peek under the hood.

13.1 The evolution of samples while training

First, it’s fun to look at how the sampled text evolves while the model trains. For example, I trained an LSTM of Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace and then generated samples every 100 iterations of training. At iteration 100 the model samples random jumbles:

However, notice that at least it is starting to get an idea about words separated by spaces. Except sometimes it inserts two spaces. It also doesn’t know that comma is amost always followed by a space. At 300 iterations we see that the model starts to get an idea about quotes and periods:

The words are now also separated with spaces and the model starts to get the idea about periods at the end of a sentence. At iteration 500:

the model has now learned to spell the shortest and most common words such as “we”, “He”, “His”, “Which”, “and”, etc. At iteration 700 we’re starting to see more and more English-like text emerge:

At iteration 1200 we’re now seeing use of quotations and question/exclamation marks. Longer words have now been learned as well:

Until at last we start to get properly spelled words, quotations, names, and so on by about iteration 2000:

The picture that emerges is that the model first discovers the general word-space structure and then rapidly starts to learn the words; First starting with the short words and then eventually the longer ones. Topics and themes that span multiple words (and in general longer-term dependencies) start to emerge only much later.

13.3 Visualizing the predictions and the “neuron” firings in the RNN

Another fun visualization is to look at the predicted distributions over characters.
In the visualizations below we feed a Wikipedia RNN model character data from the validation set (shown along the blue/green rows) and under every character we visualize (in red) the top 5 guesses that the model assigns for the next character.The guesses are colored by their probability (so dark red = judged as very likely, white = not very likely).
For example, notice that there are stretches of characters where the model is extremely confident about the next letter (e.g., the model is very confident about characters during the http://www. sequence).

— PART II — Recurrent Neural Networks Tutorial, Part 2 – Implementing a RNN with Python, Numpy and Theano

we will implement a full Recurrent Neural Network from scratch using Python and optimize our implementation using Theano, a library to perform operations on a GPU.
code: https://github.com/dennybritz/rnn-tutorial-rnnlm/

I will skip over some boilerplate code that is not essential to understanding Recurrent Neural Networks, but all of that is also on Github.

1. Language Modeling

Our goal is to build a Language Model using a Recurrent Neural Network. Here’s what that means. Let’s say we have sentence of words. A language model allows us to predict the probability of observing the sentence (in a given dataset) as:
In words, the probability of a sentence is the product of probabilities of each word given the words that came before it. So, the probability of the sentence “He went to buy some chocolate” would be the probability of “chocolate” given “He went to buy some”, multiplied by the probability of “some” given “He went to buy”, and so on.

Why is that useful? Why would we want to assign a probability to observing a sentence?

First, such a model can be used as a scoring mechanism. For example, a Machine Translation system typically generates multiple candidates for an input sentence. You could use a language model to pick the most probable sentence. Intuitively, the most probable sentence is likely to be grammatically correct. Similar scoring happens in speech recognition systems.

But solving the Language Modeling problem also has a cool side effect. Because we can predict the probability of a word given the preceding words, we are able to generate new text. It’s a generative model. Given an existing sequence of words we sample a next word from the predicted probabilities, and repeat the process until we have a full sentence.
Andrej Karparthy has a great post that demonstrates what language models are capable of. His models are trained on single characters as opposed to full words, and can generate anything from Shakespeare to Linux Code.
Note that in the above equation the probability of each word is conditioned on all previous words. In practice, many models have a hard time representing such long-term dependencies due to computational or memory constraints. They are typically limited to looking at only a few of the previous words.

RNNs can, in theory, capture such long-term dependencies, but in practice it’s a bit more complex. We’ll explore that in a later post.

3. Training Data and Preprocessing

To train our language model we need text to learn from. Fortunately we don’t need any labels to train a language model, just raw text. I downloaded 15,000 longish reddit comments from a dataset available on Google’s BigQuery. Text generated by our model will sound like reddit commenters (hopefully)! But as with most Machine Learning projects we first need to do some pre-processing to get our data into the right format.

3.1. Tokenize Text

We have raw text, but we want to make predictions on a per-word basis. This means we must tokenize our comments into sentences, and sentences into words. We could just split each of the comments by spaces, but that wouldn’t handle punctuation properly. The sentence “He left!” should be 3 tokens: “He”, “left”, “!”. We’ll use NLTK’s word_tokenize and sent_tokenize methods, which do most of the hard work for us.

3.2. Remove infrequent words

Most words in our text will only appear one or two times. It’s a good idea to remove these infrequent words. Having a huge vocabulary will make our model slow to train (we’ll talk about why that is later), and because we don’t have a lot of contextual examples for such words we wouldn’t be able to learn how to use them correctly anyway. That’s quite similar to how humans learn. To really understand how to appropriately use a word you need to have seen it in different contexts.

In our code we limit our vocabulary to the vocabulary_size most common words (which I set to 8000, but feel free to change it). We replace all words not included in our vocabulary by UNKNOWN_TOKEN. For example, if we don’t include the word “nonlinearities” in our vocabulary, the sentence “nonlineraties are important in neural networks” becomes “UNKNOWN_TOKEN are important in Neural Networks”. The word UNKNOWN_TOKEN will become part of our vocabulary and we will predict it just like any other word. When we generate new text we can replace UNKNOWN_TOKEN again, for example by taking a randomly sampled word not in our vocabulary, or we could just generate sentences until we get one that doesn’t contain an unknown token.

3.3. Prepend special start and end tokens

We also want to learn which words tend start and end a sentence. To do this we prepend a special SENTENCE_START token, and append a special SENTENCE_END token to each sentence. This allows us to ask: Given that the first token is SENTENCE_START, what is the likely next word (the actual first word of the sentence)?

3.4. Build training data matrices

The input to our Recurrent Neural Networks are vectors, not strings. So we create a mapping between words and indices, index_to_word, and word_to_index. For example,  the word “friendly” may be at index 2001. A training example  may look like [0, 179, 341, 416], where 0 corresponds to SENTENCE_START. The corresponding label would be [179, 341, 416, 1]. Remember that our goal is to predict the next word, so y is just the x vector shifted by one position with the last element being the SENTENCE_END token. In other words, the correct prediction for word 179 above would be 341, the actual next word.
Here’s an actual training example from our text:
SENTENCE_START what are n’t you understanding about this ? !
[0, 51, 27, 16, 10, 856, 53, 25, 34, 69]

what are n’t you understanding about this ? ! SENTENCE_END
[51, 27, 16, 10, 856, 53, 25, 34, 69, 1]

5. Building the RNN

Let’s get concrete and see what the RNN for our language model looks like. The input will be a sequence of words (just like the example printed above) and each is a single word.
But there’s one more thing: Because of how matrix multiplication works we can’t simply use a word index (like 36) as an input. Instead, we represent each word as a one-hot vector of size vocabulary_size. For example, the word with index 36 would be the vector of all 0’s and a 1 at position 36. So, each will become a vector, and will be a matrix, with each row representing a word. We’ll perform this transformation in our Neural Network code instead of doing it in the pre-processing. The output of our network has a similar format. Each is a vector of vocabulary_size elements, and each element represents the probability of that word being the next word in the sentence.

I always find it useful to write down the dimensions of the matrices and vectors. Let’s assume we pick a vocabulary size and a hidden layer size . You can think of the hidden layer size as the “memory” of our network. Making it bigger allows us to learn more complex patterns, but also results in additional computation. Then we have:

This is valuable information. Remember that and are the parameters of our network we want to learn from data. Thus, we need to learn a total of parameters. In the case of and that’s 1,610,000. The dimensions also tell us the bottleneck of our model. Note that because is a one-hot vector, multiplying it with is essentially the same as selecting a column of U, so we don’t need to perform the full multiplication. Then, the biggest matrix multiplication in our network is . That’s why we want to keep our vocabulary size small if possible.

7. Initialization

We start by declaring a RNN class an initializing our parameters. I’m calling this class RNNNumpy because we will implement a Theano version later.
Initializing the parameters and is a bit tricky. We can’t just initialize them to 0’s because that would result in symmetric calculations in all our layers. We must initialize them randomly. Because proper initialization seems to have an impact on training results there has been lot of research in this area. It turns out that the best initialization depends on the activation function ( in our case) and one recommended approach is to initialize the weights randomly in the interval from where is the number of incoming connections from the previous layer. This may sound overly complicated, but don’t worry too much it. As long as you initialize your parameters to small random values it typically works out fine.

9. Forward Propagation

Next, let’s implement the forward propagation (predicting word probabilities) defined by our equations above:
def forward_propagation(self, x):
# The total number of time steps
T = len(x)

We not only return the calculated outputs, but also the hidden states. We will use them later to calculate the gradients, and by returning them here we avoid duplicate computation. Each is a vector of probabilities representing the words in our vocabulary, but sometimes, for example when evaluating our model, all we want is the next word with the highest probability. We call this function predict:

11. Calculating the Loss

To train our network we need a way to measure the errors it makes. We call this the loss function , and our goal is find the parameters and that minimize the loss function for our training data. A common choice for the loss function is the cross-entropy loss. If we have training examples (words in our text) and classes (the size of our vocabulary) then the loss with respect to our predictions and the true labels is given by:

13. Training the RNN with SGD and Backpropagation Through Time (BPTT)

15. Generating Text

— PART III — Recurrent Neural Networks Tutorial, Part 3 – Backpropagation Through Time and Vanishing Gradients

— PART IIII — Recurrent Neural Network Tutorial, Part 4 – Implementing a GRU/LSTM RNN with Python and Theano

— PART XI — The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks


—— PART I —— 深度神经网络 DNN
1. DNN 模型
1.1 从感知机到神经网络
1.3 DNN基本结构
1.5 DNN前向传播
3 梯度下降 – Gradient Descent
3.1 梯度
3.3 梯度下降解释
3.5 相关概念
3.7 详细算法
3.9 算法优化
5. DNN 反向传播
5.1 基本思路
5.2 算法过程
7. 损失函数和激活函数
7.1 均方差+Sigmoid的组合
7.3 交叉熵损失函数+Sigmoid激活函数
7.5 对数似然损失函数和softmax激活函数
7.7 其他激活函数
7.9 梯度爆炸梯度消失
—— PART II —— 卷积神经网络 CNN
1. 卷积
3. CNN的结构
5. 卷积层
7. 池化层
9. CNN的前向传播
9.1 输入层前向传播到卷积层
9.3 隐藏层前向传播到卷积层
9.5 隐藏层前向传播到池化层
9.7 隐藏层前向传播到全连接层
9.9 小结
11. CNN的反向传播
11.1 算法思想
11.3 推导上一隐藏层
11.5 推导上一隐藏层
11.7 推导该层的W,b梯度
11.9 总结
—— PART II —— 循环神经网络 RNN
1. CNN 结构
3. 前向传播算法
5. 反向传播算法

—— PART I —— 深度神经网络 DNN

深度神经网络(Deep Neural Networks)是深度学习的基础,要理解DNN,首先要理解DNN模型。

1. DNN 模型

1.1 从感知机到神经网络



sign(z)={−1 or 1}


3) 对激活函数做扩展,感知机的激活函数是sign(z)sign(z),虽然简单但是处理能力有限,因此神经网络中一般使用的其他的激活函数,比如在逻辑回归里面使用的Sigmoid函数f(z) = 1 /(1 + exp(−z))。还有后来出现的tanx, softmax,和ReLU等。使用不同的激活函数,神经网络的表达能力进一步增强。

1.3 DNN基本结构

神经网络是基于感知机的扩展,而DNN可以理解为有很多隐藏层的神经网络。所以DNN有时也叫做多层感知机(Multi-Layer perceptron,MLP)。



a) 首先看线性关系系数w的定义


为什么不是w3_42, 而是w3_24呢?这主要是为了便于模型用于矩阵表示运算,如果是w3_24而每次进行矩阵运算是wTx+b,需要进行转置。将输出的索引放在前面的话,则线性运算不用转置,即直接为wx+bwx+b。

b) 再看偏倚b的定义


1.5 DNN前向传播



输入: 总层数L,所有隐藏层和输出层对应的矩阵W,偏倚向量b,输入值向量x

1) 初始化a1=x
2) for l=2 to L, 计算:al=σ(zl)=σ(W_la_l−1+bl)

REF : http://www.cnblogs.com/pinard/p/6418668.html

3 梯度下降 – Gradient Descent

在求解机器学习算法的模型参数,即无约束优化问题时,梯度下降(Gradient Descent)是最常采用的方法之一,另一种常用的是最小二乘法。

3.1 梯度

比如函数f(x,y), 分别对x,y求偏导数,求得的梯度向量就是(∂f/∂x, ∂f/∂y)T,简称grad f(x,y)或者▽f(x,y)。
对于在点(x0,y0)的具体梯度向量就是(∂f/∂x0, ∂f/∂y0)T.或者▽f(x0,y0),如果是3个参数的向量梯度,就是(∂f/∂x, ∂f/∂y,∂f/∂z)T,以此类推。

具体来说,对于函数f(x,y),在点(x0,y0),沿着梯度向量的方向就是(∂f/∂x0, ∂f/∂y0)T的方向是f(x,y)增加最快的地方。
或者说,沿着梯度向量的方向,更加容易找到函数的最大值。反过来说,沿着梯度向量相反的方向,也就是 -(∂f/∂x0, ∂f/∂y0)T的方向,梯度减少最快,也就是更加容易找到函数的最小值。


梯度下降法和梯度上升法是可以互相转化的。比如需要求解损失函数f(θ)的最小值,这时需要用梯度下降法来迭代求解。但是实际上,可以反过来求解损失函数 -f(θ)的最大值,这时梯度上升法就派上用场了。

3.3 梯度下降解释


3.5 相关概念

* 步长(Learning rate)

* 特征(feature)

* 假设函数(hypothesis function)
比如对于样本(xi,yi)(i=1,2,…n),可以采用拟合函数如下: hθ(x) = θ0+θ1x。

* 损失函数(loss function)

3.7 详细算法


a) 代数方式
b) 矩阵方式

3.9 算法优化

1. 算法的步长选择。
2. 算法参数的初始值选择。

5. DNN 反向传播

需要利用这m个样本训练出一个模型,当有一个新的测试样本(xtest,?)来到时, 可以预测ytest向量的输出。




5.1 基本思路

训练样本计算出的输出是怎么得来的?这 个输出是随机选择一系列W,b, 通过前向传播算法计算出来的。

J(W,b,x,y)=12||aL−y||22, 这个||S||2为S的L2范数。



5.2 算法过程


输入: 总层数L,以及各隐藏层与输出层的神经元个数,激活函数,损失函数,迭代步长α,最大迭代次数MAX与停止迭代阈值ϵ,输入的m个训练样本{(x1,y1),(x2,y2),…,(xm,ym)}

1) 初始化各隐藏层与输出层的线性关系系数矩阵W和偏倚向量b的值为一个随机值。
2)for iter to 1 to MAX:
2-1) for i =1 to m:
a) 将DNN输入a1a1设置为xi
b) for ll=2 to L,进行前向传播算法计算 ai,l
c) 通过损失函数计算输出层的δi,L
d) for ll= L to 2, 进行反向传播算法计算 δi,l
2-2) for ll = 2 to L,更新第ll层的Wl,blWl,bl:
2-3) 如果所有W,bW,b的变化值都小于停止迭代阈值ϵϵ,则跳出迭代循环到步骤3。
3) 输出各隐藏层与输出层的线性关系系数矩阵WW和偏倚向量bb。

7. 损失函数和激活函数


7.1 均方差+Sigmoid的组合



7.3 交叉熵损失函数+Sigmoid激活函数


J(W,b,a,y)=−y∙lna − (1−y)∙ln(1−a)


7.5 对数似然损失函数和softmax激活函数


很容易看出,所有的aLi都是在(0,1) 之间的数字。



7.7 其他激活函数

tanh(z)=ez−e−z / ez+e−z

7.9 梯度爆炸梯度消失


一个可能部分解决梯度消失问题的办法是使用ReLU(Rectified Linear Unit)激活函数,ReLU在卷积神经网络CNN中得到了广泛的应用.

—— PART II —— 卷积神经网络 CNN

在DNN大类中,卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks,以下简称CNN)是最为成功的DNN特例之一。

1. 卷积

用矩阵表示可以为:s(t)=(X∗W)(t), 其中星号表示卷积。
如果是二维的卷积,则表示式为:s(i,j)=(X∗W)(i,j)=∑m∑n 【x(i−m,j−n)w(m,n)】

3. CNN的结构




5. 卷积层




SEE : http://cs231n.github.io/assets/conv-demo/index.html

7. 池化层


9. CNN的前向传播



9.1 输入层前向传播到卷积层
9.3 隐藏层前向传播到卷积层
9.5 隐藏层前向传播到池化层
9.7 隐藏层前向传播到全连接层
9.9 小结

11. CNN的反向传播


11.1 算法思想
11.3 推导上一隐藏层
11.5 推导上一隐藏层
11.7 推导该层的W,b梯度
11.9 总结

—— PART II —— 循环神经网络 RNN



RNN之所以被称为循环,就是它会按照序列的输入时间不断重复训练该网络,并利用后向传播算法不断迭代更新权重(U,V,W, 这也就是为什么可以将RNN一层网络“展开”为n层,而n是序列输入的长度,也是时间总步长。

1. CNN 结构


RNN 参数:

RNN 基本算法:
* xt是t时刻的输入,代表在序列索引号t时训练样本的输入。可以是单词, 或者句子的One-hot编码。同样的,x(t−1)和x(t+1)代表t−1和t+1时训练样本的输入。
* h(t), 代表在序列索引号t时模型的隐藏状态。h(t)由x(t)和h(t−1)共同决定。
* o(t)代表在序列索引号t时模型的输出。o(t)只由模型当前的隐藏状态h(t)决定。
* L(t)代表在序列索引号t时模型的损失函数。
* y(t),代表在序列索引号t时训练样本序列的真实输出。
* U,W,V这三个矩阵模型的线性关系参数,它在整个RNN网络中是共享的,这点和DNN很不相同。 也正因为是共享了,它体现了RNN的模型的“循环反馈”的思想。
** 隐藏层st=f(Uxt + Wst−1) ,st−1是前一时刻的隐藏状态, 通常函数f会选择tanh或者ReLU。
** 输出ot=Softmax(Vst)。
** 值得注意的是,虽然隐藏层状态的更新经历了全输入序列,但由于神经网络参数训练的机制,只有当前时刻前近段时间内输入对其有影响,这也是符合人类记忆的基本规律。

3. 前向传播算法


a) 首先是隐藏状态h(t),对于任意一个序列索引号t, 由x(t)和h(t−1)得到:


b) 其次序列索引号t时, 模型的输出o(t)的表达式比较简单:

c) 最终在序列索引号t时,预测输出为:


d) 通过损失函数L(t),例如对数似然损失函数,就可以量化模型在当前位置的损失,即y^(t)和y(t)的差距。

5. 反向传播算法

由于是基于时间反向传播,所以RNN的反向传播有时也叫做BPTT(back-propagation through time)。

a) 为了简化描述,隐藏层的激活函数为tanh函数。输出的激活函数为softmax函数。损失函数为对数损失函数。

b) 对于RNN,由于在序列的每个位置都有损失函数,因此最终的损失L为:

其中, V,c的梯度计算比较简单:


这样就可以像DNN一样从δ(t+1)递推δ(t) :




1. 人工神经网络
1.1 人类的大脑
1.3 神经细胞
1.5 大脑特点
1.7 人工神经网络
1.9 人工神经元
1.11 激活函数
1.13 M-P模型
1.15 网络拓扑
1.17 常见网络结构
1.21 神经网络用途举例

2. 神经网络几种模型
2.1 感知器 Perceptron 或 M-P模型
2.2 NN 神经网络
2.3 FNN 前馈神经网络
2.5 BPNN BP神经网络
2.7 DNN 深度神经网络
2.9 CNN 卷积神经网络 – 图像分类
2.11 RNN 循环神经网络 – 语言处理
2.13 LSTM 长短期记忆网络

1. 人工神经网络

人工神经网络 ANN ( Artificial neural network)也简称神经网络(NN) ,来源于人类大脑。

1.1 人类的大脑

1.3 神经细胞
神经细胞结构,由一个细胞体(soma)、一些树突(dendrite) 、一根很长的轴突组成。如图:树突接收信号、轴突和突触发送信号。

轴突有许多分支,轴突通过分支的末梢(terminal)和其他神经细胞的树突接触,就形成所谓的突触(Synapse), 图里没画出,这个是发送的。神经细胞通过轴突和突触把产生的信号送到其他的神经细胞的树突,每个神经细胞通过它的树突能和大约10,000个其他的神经细胞相连。


1.5 大脑特点
* 大脑能够自己进行学习,而不需要导师的监督教导。如果一个神经细胞在一段时间内受到高频率的刺激,则它和输入信号的神经细胞之间的连接强度就会按某种过程改变,使得该神经细胞下一次受到激励时更容易兴奋。“当神经细胞A的一个轴突重复或持久的激励另一个神经细胞B后,则其中的一个或同时两个神经细胞就会发生一种生长过程或新陈代谢式的变化,使得激励B细胞之一的A细胞的效能增加”。与此相反,如果一个神经细胞在一段时间内不受到激励,那么它的连接的有效性就会慢慢地衰减。这一现象称为可塑性(plasticity)。


1.7 人工神经网络


大圆的核是一个函数,叫激励函数(activation function),它把所有这些新的、经过权重调整后的输入全部加起来,形成单个的激励值(activation value)。
数学方式表达:一个人工神经细胞可以有任意n个输入, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, …, xn,以及n 个权重 w1, w2, w3, w4, w5 …, wn, 激励值就是所有输入与它们对应权重的之乘积之总和a = w1x1 + w2x2 + w3x3 + w4x4 + w5x5 +…+ wnxn。 或者把神经网络的各个输入以及为各个神经细胞的权重设置都可以看作一个n维的向量。

1.9 人工神经元
例如前述加权和模型。 net=XW。

1.11 激活函数
激活函数 ( Activation Function )或转移函数 ( Transfer Function )的

1.13 M-P模型

1.15 网络拓扑
ANi –Wij–> ANj

1.17 常见网络结构
* 前馈网络
* 单级网
* 多级网
* 循环网

1.21 神经网络用途举例-字符的模式识别-结束本段

模式识别: 把一种输入状态(它所企图识别的模式),映射到,一种输出状态(它曾被训练用来识别的模式)。
因此,神经网络需要有64个输入(每一个输入代表面板的一个具体格点) 和由许多神经细胞组成的一个隐藏层,还有仅有一个神经细胞的输出层,隐藏层的所有输出都馈送到它。

执行训练,来认出数字“4”。为此可用这样一种方法来完成:先把神经网的所有权重初始化为任意值。然后给它一系列的输入,在本例中,就是代表面板不同配置的输入。对每一种输入配置,我们检查它的输出是什么,并调整相应的权重。如果我们送给网络的输入模式不是“4”, 则我们知道网络应该输出一个0。因此每个非“4”字符时的网络权重应进行调节,使得它的输出趋向于0。当代表“4”的模式输送给网络时,则应把权重调整到使输出趋向于1。

这种类型的训练称作有监督的学习(supervised learnig),用来训练的数据称为训练集(training set)。

2. 几种神经网络模型


2.1 感知器 Perceptron 或 M-P模型
在ANN 神经网络中,对外部环境提供的模式样本进行学习训练,并能存储这种模式,则称为感知器;对外部环境有适应能力,能自动提取外部环境变化特征,则称为认知器。 感知器采用有教师信号进行学习,而认知器则采用无教师信号学习的。
1958年,美国心理学家Frank Rosenblatt提出一种具有单层计算单元的神经网络,这种最简单的圣经网络,称为感知器(Perceptron),也就是神经元的M-P模型,其实也就是一个简单的神经元。当时把这种神经网络技术叫感知机(perceptron),拥有输入层、输出层和一个隐含层。输入的特征向量通过隐含层变换达到输出层,在输出层得到分类结果。


多亏多层感知器的凸优化解决了这个问题,多层感知机(multilayer perceptron)出现于上世纪八十年代,多层感知机,顾名思义就是有多个隐含层的感知机,多层感知器的拓扑结构如下图:



2.2 NN 神经网络
神经网络 NN,听起来比感知机Perceptron 高端的多了,其实就是一回事情, 但从此开始就以神经网络的名字流行了。

2.3 FNN 前馈神经网络
在机器学习领域,传统的前馈神经网络(feed-forward neural net,简称FNN)具有出色的表现,取得了许多成功,曾在许多不同的任务上——包括手写数字识别和目标分类上创造了记录。甚至到了今天,FNN在解决分类任务上始终都比其他方法要略胜一筹。


2.5 BPNN 神经网络

M-P模型的感知器实际上就是对单个神经元的一种建模,还不足以模拟人脑神经系统的功能。由这些人工神经元构建出来的网络,才能够具有学习、联想、记忆和模式识别的能力。1986年Rumelhart和McCelland提出的误差反向传播法 BP(error BackPropagation)就是一种简单的人工神经网络。
这种BP神经网络是一种按误差逆传播算法训练的多层前馈网络,影响广泛, 仍然是最重要、应用最多的有效算法,可解决非循环多层网的误差训练,虽然缺点也明显训练速度慢、局部解、收敛性,但目前应用的多层前馈网络,学习算法主要是BP法。 BP网络和Hopfield网络是需要教师信号才能进行学习的;而ART网络和 Kohonen网络则无需教师信号就可以学习。所谓教师信号,就是在神经网络学习中由外部提供的模式样本信号。

* 正向传播时,输入样本从输入层传入,经各隐层逐层处理后,传向输出层。若输出层的实际输出与期望的输出(教师信号)不符,则转入误差的反向传播阶段。
* 反向传播时,将输出以某种形式通过隐层向输入层逐层反传,并将误差分摊给各层的所有单元,从而获得各层单元的误差信号,此误差信号即作为修正各单元权值的依据。


2.5.1 拓扑结构

2.5.2 传递函数
2.5.3 学习算法
BP网络的学习算法就是BP算法,又叫 δ 算法。
以三层感知器为例,当网络输出与期望输出不等时,存在输出误差 E ,定义如下:
可以看出,网络输入误差是各层权值ω——jκ 、υ——ij 的函数,因此调整权值可改变误差 E 。

更一般的,对于一般多层感知器,设共有 h 个隐层,按前向顺序各隐层节点数分别记为 m 1 ,m 2 ,…,m h ,各隐层输出分别记为 y 1 ,y 2 ,…,y h ,各层权值矩阵分别记为 W 1 ,W 2 ,…,W h ,W h+1 ,则各层权值调整公式为
可以看出BP学习算法中,各层权值调整公式形式上都是一样的,均由3个因素决定:学习率 η、本层输出的误差信号δ、本层输出的误差信号δ。

* 训练一个BP神经网络,实际上就是调整网络的权重和偏置这两个参数,BP神经网络的训练过程分两部分:
* 训练一个BP神经网络,实际上就是调整网络的权重和偏置这两个参数,BP神经网络的训练过程分两部分:

2.5.5 前向传输(Feed-Forward前向反馈)
在训练网络之前,需要随机初始化权重和偏置,对每一个权重取[−1,1] 的一个随机实数,每一个偏置取[0,1] 的一个随机实数,之后就开始进行前向传输。
首先设置输入层的输出值,假设属性的个数为100,那我们就设置输入层的神经单元个数为100,输入层的结点N i 为记录第i 维上的属性值x i 。对输入层的操作就这么简单,之后的每层就要复杂一些了,除输入层外,其他各层的输入值是上一层输入值按权重累加的结果值加上偏置,每个结点的输出值等该结点的输入值作变换
2.5.6 逆向反馈(Backpropagation)


2.7 DNN 深度神经网络



2.9 CNN 卷积神经网络 – 图像分类

它的特殊性体现在两个方面,一方面它的神经元间的连接是非全连接的, 另一方面,同一层中某些神经元之间的连接的权重是共享的(即相同的)。它的非全连接和权值共享的网络结构使之更类似于生物神经网络,降低了网络模型的复杂度,减少了权值的数量。

图左:全连接网络。如果输入的是一幅像素为1K*1K的图像,我们有1000×1000像素的图像,有1百万个隐层神经元,每个隐层神经元都连接图像的每一个像素点,就有1000x1000x1000000=10^12个连接,也就是10^12个权值参数。这不仅容易过拟合,而且极容易陷入局部最优。另外,图像中有固有的局部模式(比如轮廓、边界,人的眼睛、鼻子、嘴等)可以利用,显然应该将图像处理中的概念和神经网络技术相结合。由此引入CNN 卷积神经网络。

例如我们需要识别一幅彩色图像,这幅图像具有四个通道 ARGB(透明度和红绿蓝,对应了四幅相同大小的图像),假设卷积核大小为 3∗3 共使用100个卷积核w1到w100(从直觉来看,每个卷积核应该学习到不同的结构特征)。用w1在ARGB图像上进行卷积操作,可以得到隐含层的第一幅图像;这幅隐含层图像左上角第一个像素是四幅输入图像左上角 3∗3区域内像素的加权求和,以此类推。同理,算上其他卷积核,隐含层对应100幅“图像”。每幅图像对是对原始图像中不同特征的响应。注意到,对于图像,如果没有卷积操作,学习的参数量是灾难级的。

REF: http://www.cnblogs.com/nsnow/p/4562363.html

2.11 RNN 循环神经网络 – 语言处理
全连接的DNN还存在着另一个问题: 无法对时间序列上的变化进行建模。然而,样本出现的时间顺序对于自然语言处理、语音识别、手写体识别等应用非常重要。对了适应这种需求,就出现了另一种神经网络结构——循环神经网络RNN。


RNN包含输入单元(input units)群标记为u1,u2直到uK。输出单元(output units)群被标记为y1,y2直到yL。RNN还包含隐藏单元(hidden units),标记为x1,x2直到xN。这些隐藏单元有意思,这些隐藏单元完成了最为有意思的工作。在例图中:有一条单向流动的信息流是从输入单元到达隐藏单元的,与此同时另一条单向流动的信息流从隐藏单元到达输出单元。在某些情况下,RNN会打破后者的限制,引导信息从输出单元返回隐藏单元,这些被称为“backprojections。


REF : https://www.pdx.edu/sites/www.pdx.edu.sysc/files/Jaeger_TrainingRNNsTutorial.2005.pdf

递归神经网络具有循环结构: 人类并不是每时每刻都从头开始思考。正如你阅读这篇文章的时候,你是在理解前面词语的基础上来理解每个词。你不会丢弃所有已知的信息而从头开始思考。你的思想具有持续性。递归神经网络能够解决这一问题。这些网络中具有循环结构,能够使信息持续保存。



RNN主要是图这种结构的,即是Hidden Layer会有连向下一时间Hidden Layer的边,还有一种结构是Bidirectional Networks,也就是说会有来自下一时间的Hidden Layer传回来的边。


将RNN展开之后,似乎一切都很明了了,前向传播(Forward Propagation)就是依次按照时间的顺序计算一次就好了,反向传播(Back Propagation)就是从最后一个时间将累积的残差传递回来即可,跟普通的神经网络训练并没有本质上的不同。

REF :http://karpathy.github.io/2015/05/21/rnn-effectiveness/

2.13 LSTM 长短期记忆网络
LSTMs是一种特殊的递归神经网络 RNN,能够学习长期依赖关系,在许多任务中它表现的要比标准递归神经网络RNN出色许多。几乎所有基于递归神经网络令人振奋的结果都是由它们实现的。

原生的RNN会遇到一个很大的问题,叫做 The vanishing gradient problem for RNNs,也就是后面时间的节点对于前面时间的节点感知力下降,也就是忘事儿.RNN解决这个问题用到的就叫LSTM,简单来说就是你不是忘事儿吗?我给你拿个小本子把事记上,好记性不如烂笔头嘛,所以LSTM引入一个核心元素就是Cell。

有些时候,在执行当前任务时,只需要查看最近的信息。比如,考虑一个语言模型,试图根据之前单词预测下一个。如果想要预测“the clouds are in the sky”中最后一个单词,我们不需要更多的上下文——很明显下一个单词会是“sky”。在这种情况下,如果相关信息与预测位置的间隔比较小,RNNs可以学会使用之前的信息。
但也有需要更多上下文的情况。考虑试图预测“I grew up in France… I speak fluent French.”中最后一个词。最近信息显示下一个词可能是一门语言的名字,但是如果想要缩小选择范围,需要包含“法国”的那段上下文,从前面的信息推断后面的单词。相关信息与预测位置的间隔很大是完全有可能的。

REF : https://deeplearning4j.org/lstm

TK1之lenet -11


2 IPython – qtconsole – Notebook

2.1 IPython

Python的验证调试pdb在其ide里面是功能微弱的, 为此有IPython这一利器:
$ sudo apt-get install ipython
$ sudo apt-get install python-zmq

$ ipython

可以使用使用魔法指令% :
%run test.py 直接运行python脚本
%pwd: 显示当前工作目录。
%cd: 切换工作目录。

这里用它的inline这个嵌入参数把matplotlib图表的显示在qtconsole或者notebook里面, 而不是单独弹出一个窗口。

2.2 qtconsole

$ sudo apt-get install ipython-qtconsole

$ ipython qtconsole –pylab=inline

2.3 Notebook

$ sudo apt-get install ipython-notebook

$ ipython notebook –pylab=inline
Shift-Enter : run cell
Ctrl-Enter : run cell in-place
Alt-Enter : run cell, insert below

2.4 说明

iPython调试, 虽然可以代码块,方便的很;
但是如果出错也是很间接, kenel restarting之类的,都看不清

很多时候, 在python的一行行pdb调试,有时还是不可替代的。

后面的调试里, 从哪里启动python特别重要:
$ cd …CAFE_ROOT…
$ ipython or python … …

db_lmdb.hpp:14] Check failed: mdb_status == 0 (2 vs. 0) No such file or directory
这个是train和test的prototxt里面的data source 位置不对。
caffe solver.cpp:442] Cannot write to snapshot prefix ‘examples/mnist/lenet’.
ipython “Kernel Restarting” about solver = caffe.SGDSolver(‘mnist/lenet_auto_solver.prototxt’)
solver_type: GPU

3 设置prototxt

$ cd /home/ubuntu/sdcard/caffe-for-cudnn-v2.5.48
$ ipython qtconsole –pylab=inline

3.1 配置Python环境

# we’ll use the pylab import for numpy and plot inline
from pylab import *
%matplotlib inline

# Import caffe, adding it to sys.path if needed. (Make sure’ve built pycaffe)
# caffe_root = ‘../’ # It means this bash file should be run from {caffe_root}/examples/

import sys
caffe_root = ‘.’
sys.path.insert(0, caffe_root + ‘python’)

import caffe

3.2 挂于数据

可选动作, 如果ok不需要。

# Using LeNet example data and networks, if already downloaded skip this step.
## run scripts from caffe root
## import os
## os.chdir(caffe_root)
## Download data
## !data/mnist/get_mnist.sh
## Prepare data
## !examples/mnist/create_mnist.sh
## back to examples
## os.chdir(‘examples’)

3.3 关于网络


也自己生成, 以下是建一个Leet的变体。

# We’ll write the net in a succinct and natural way as Python code that serializes to Caffe’s protobuf model format.
# This network expects to read from pre-generated LMDBs,
# but reading directly from ndarrays is also possible using MemoryDataLayer.

# We’ll need two external files:
# the net prototxt, defining the architecture and pointing to the train/test data
# the solver prototxt, defining the learning parameters
from caffe import layers as L, params as P
def lenet(db_path,batch_size):
n.data,n.label=L.Data(batch_size=batch_size,backend=P.Data.LMDB,source=db_path, transform_param=dict(scale=1./255),ntop=2)
n.fc1 =L.InnerProduct(n.pool2,num_output=500,weight_filler=dict(type=’xavier’))
return n.to_proto()

# write net to disk in a human-readable serialization using Google’s protobuf
# You can read, write, and modify this description directly
with open(‘examples/mnist/lenet_auto_train.prototxt’, ‘w’) as f: # this is train
f.write(str(lenet(‘examples/mnist/mnist_train_lmdb’, 64)))
with open(‘examples/mnist/lenet_auto_test.prototxt’, ‘w’) as f: # this is solver
f.write(str(lenet(‘examples/mnist/mnist_test_lmdb’, 100)))

# you can view tranin net struct geneted pre-step
# $ vi examples/mnist/lenet_auto_train.prototxt
# you can view test net struct geneted pre-step
# $ vi examples/mnist/lenet_auto_test.prototxt

3.4 关于求解器



from caffe.proto import caffe_pd2
… …
with open(yourpath,‘w‘)as f:


# $ vi examples/mnist/lenet_auto_solver.prototxt
# The train/test net protocol buffer definition
train_net: “examples/mnist/lenet_auto_train.prototxt”
test_net: “examples/mnist/lenet_auto_test.prototxt”

# test_iter specifies how many forward passes the test should carry out.
# In the case of MNIST, we have test batch size 100 and 100 test iterations,
# covering the full 10,000 testing images.
test_iter: 100

# Carry out testing every 500 training iterations.
test_interval: 500

# The base learning rate, momentum and the weight decay of the network.
base_lr: 0.01
momentum: 0.9
weight_decay: 0.0005

# The learning rate policy
lr_policy: “inv”
gamma: 0.0001
power: 0.75

# Display every 100 iterations
display: 100

# The maximum number of iterations
max_iter: 10000

# snapshot intermediate results
snapshot: 5000
snapshot_prefix: “mnist/lenet”

3.5 加载求解器

# Let’s pick a device and load the solver
caffe.set_mode_gpu() #using GPU

# load the solver
# create train and test nets
# We’ll use SGD (with momentum), but other methods are also available.
solver = caffe.SGDSolver(‘examples/mnist/lenet_auto_solver.prototxt’)


3.6 检查网络

检查输出shape | 查看中间特征(blobs) | 参数(params)的维数
# each output is (batch size, feature dim, spatial dim)

[(k, v.data.shape) for k, v in solver.net.blobs.items()]
… …
[(‘data‘, (64, 1, 28, 28)),
(‘label‘, (64,)),
(‘conv1‘, (64, 20, 24, 24)),
(‘pool1‘, (64, 20, 12, 12)),
(‘conv2‘, (64, 50, 8, 8)),
(‘pool2‘, (64, 50, 4, 4)),
(‘fc1‘, (64, 500)),
(‘score‘, (64, 10)),
(‘loss‘, ())]

# just print the weight sizes (we’ll omit the biases)
[(k, v[0].data.shape) for k, v in solver.net.params.items()]
… …
[(‘conv1‘, (20, 1, 5, 5)),
(‘conv2‘, (50, 20, 5, 5)),
(‘fc1‘, (500, 800)),
(‘score‘, (10, 500))]

3.7 执行一次

这个在qtconsole会crash, 在notebook不会, python更不会。

# check that everything is loaded as we expect,
# by running a forward pass on the train and test nets,
# and check that they contain our data.

# step does one full iteration, covering all three phases: forward evaluation, backward propagation, and update.
# forward does only the first of these.
# Step does only one iteration: a single batch of 100 images. If doing a full set of 20 batches (all 2000 inputs) is called an epoch

solver.net.forward() # train net
… …
{‘loss’: array(2.363983154296875, dtype=float32)}

solver.test_nets[0].forward() # test net (there can be more than one)
… …
{‘loss’: array(2.365971088409424, dtype=float32)}

显示训练集 8个数据的图像和他们的标签

print ‘wewewerth’,solver.net.blobs[‘label’].data[:8]
… …
wewewerth [ 5. 0. 4. 1. 9. 2. 1. 3.]

imshow(solver.test_nets[0].blobs[‘data’].data[:8, 0].transpose(1, 0, 2).reshape(28, 8*28), cmap=’gray’)

print solver.test_nets[0].blobs[‘label’].data[:8]
… …
labels [ 7. 2. 1. 0. 4. 1. 4. 9.]

3.8 运行网络

Both train and test nets seem to be loading data, and to have correct labels.

执行一步SGB, 查看权值的变化
# Let’s take one step of (minibatch) SGD and see what happens.

# Do we have gradients propagating through our filters?
# Let’s see the updates to the first layer, shown here as a 4*5 grid of 5*5 filters.
… …

(-0.5, 24.5, 19.5, -0.5)

3.9 自定义循环开始训练

# Let’s run the net for a while, keeping track of a few things as it goes.
# Note that this process will be the same as if training through the caffe binary :
# *logging will continue to happen as normal
# *snapshots will be taken at the interval specified in the solver prototxt (here, every 5000 iterations)
# *testing will happen at the interval specified (here, every 500 iterations)
# Since we have control of the loop in Python, we’re free to do many other things as well, for example:
# *write a custom stopping criterion
# *change the solving process by updating the net in the loop


# losses will also be stored in the log

# the main solver loop
for it in range(niter):
solver.step(1) # SGD by Caffe
# store the train loss
# store the output on the first test batch
# (start the forward pass at conv1 to avoid loading new data)
# run a full test every so often
# (Caffe can also do this for us and write to a log, but we show here
# how to do it directly in Python, where more complicated things are easier.)
if it % test_interval ==0:
print ‘iteration’, it, ‘ testing…’
for test_it in range(100):
… …
iteration 0 testing…
iteration 25 testing…
iteration 50 testing…
iteration 75 testing…
iteration 100 testing…
iteration 125 testing…
iteration 150 testing…
iteration 175 testing…
CPU times: user 19.4 s, sys: 2.72 s, total: 22.2 s
Wall time: 20.9 s

# plot the train loss and test accuracy
_, ax1 = subplots()
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax1.plot(arange(niter), train_loss)
ax2.plot(test_interval * arange(len(test_acc)), test_acc, ‘r’)
ax1.set_ylabel(‘train loss’)
ax2.set_ylabel(‘test accuracy’)
ax2.set_title(‘Test Accuracy: {:.2f}’.format(test_acc[-1]))
… …

# Above pic shows the loss seems to have dropped quickly and coverged (except for stochasticity)

# Since we saved the results on the first test batch, we can watch how our prediction scores evolved.
# We’ll plot time on the x axis and each possible label on the y, with lightness indicating confidence.
for i in range(8):
imshow(output[:100,i].T,interpolation=’nearest’,cmap=’gray’) #output[:100,1]. first 100 results

# 上面结果开起来不错,再详细的看一下每个数字的得分是怎么变化的
We started with little idea about any of these digits, and ended up with correct classifications for each.
If you’ve been following along, you’ll see the last digit is the most difficult, a slanted “9” that’s (understandably) most confused with “4”.

# Note that these are the “raw” output scores rather than the softmax-computed probability vectors.
# below, make it easier to see the confidence of our net (but harder to see the scores for less likely digits).
for i in range(8):
figure(figsize=(2, 2))
imshow(solver.test_nets[0].blobs[‘data’].data[i, 0], cmap=’gray’)
figure(figsize=(10, 2))
imshow(exp(output[:50, i].T) / exp(output[:50, i].T).sum(0), interpolation=’nearest’, cmap=’gray’)
… …
输出结果图片对比更明显, 这是上面代码的计算方式能够把低的分数和高的分数两极分化:
for i in range(2):

3.10 下一步

# now we’ve defined, trained, and tested LeNet
# there are many possible next steps:
1. 定义新的结构(如加全连接层,改变relu等)
2. 优化lr等参数 (指数间隔寻找如0.1 0.01 0.001)
3. 增加训练时间
4. 由sgd–》adam
5. 其他
